Types of Doors from Your Commercial Contractors in Charlotte

If you own an older house, you have probably made some changes yourself to improve your lifestyle and comfort. But, you probably didn’t think too much about how your entrance looks and what can be done. Many people didn’t even contact their commercial door contractor Charlotte NC in their life but when you are renovating your place, you will need a contractor for every part of the building.

Choose the model you like can be difficult if you don’t know where to start. There is a bunch of information online that can help but to know which material to use can be one of the deciding factors. The design also matters a lot but some people want quality instead of looks.


Fiberglass is usually on top of the list of many commercial buildings because of the advantages it has. The strength can be compared to some metals that are much heavier. It is very light and non-flammable, which is a crucial advantage for some buildings. It’s important to mention that it isn’t only used for this purpose but also for bathtubs, windows, etc.

Another benefit you can have with it is the low maintenance cost compared to steel and wood. They are a bit more expensive but it is worth considering their lifecycle. If they are filled with foam, they can work as good insulation.

Steel Doors

One of the most used materials by companies is probably steel because they get the job done. They can be hollow or solid depending on your needs and if you want them to be heavier. It’s a very common thing to use it in combination with wood or some other material, usually for the frame to make it sturdy.

The reason why people choose them is the economic factor and they are hard to damage. The price will depend on the quality so you can get cold-rolled mild steel but it will be more expensive. They will also last much longer than models made out of wood.

Flush Doors

They are something that you will most likely see at an office or in a residential building. It is very cheap and made out of plywood which is very light compared to any other material. They are usually hollow but sometimes manufacturers fill them with cardboard core material. It’s not recommended to use them as exterior entrances because they aren’t durable at all. Read here for more info.

In a situation where that is the case, they will use a steel or wood frame to give them more durability. You can find them in every store with a low price and they have a pleasing appearance but rarely for commercial purposes. They need protection from water, so some people use aluminum sheets from one side if they are used for bathrooms.

Wood Doors

When you visit a store you won’t only say that you need a model made out of wood but also what kind because there are numerous options. The kind you want should be based on how much you are willing to invest and the longevity of the product. Timber is most commonly used even for exterior locations.

The ones you see on every house are framed or paneled which are made out of hardboard, blockboard, plywood or timber. They are popular because there are most designs based on these materials. You might also find them in combination with glass which has a bit of flexibility and they look aesthetically better.

Glass Doors

Glass is the first choice for the majority of buildings when it comes to entrance doors even if they tend to break more easily than others. The reason is that manufacturers are starting to make them more durable and the price is starting to drop. You won’t see them being used in large warehouses but every company or residential building will have them. Some people use them for the back of the house so they can have a view towards their backyard and a good thing about them is that there are very beautiful designs.

Aluminum Doors

Aluminum is the lightest metal that is used for making doors but that isn’t the number one reason people buy them. The reason is the price which is much lower compared to steel or fiberglass. They are resistant to many environmental conditions but they are prone to bending so a slight kick can cause damage.

Still, they are used for entrances, many smaller shops have them. They are economical in the long run but that depends on what you will be using them for. A combination with a steel frame can work great because it provides more durability and heaviness.

Difference between Residential and Commercial Doors

Residential are all the entrances you use at home on a day-to-day basis. You will be using them even if you are not leaving your house because you have them inside which are also counted in. Most people don’t think about it that way, but besides being a link between rooms, they are considered as a way to control ventilation inside the house. Besides that, they can be used as noise barriers and a way to keep intruders out.

Commercial models are also referred to as industrial and the way they are used is the only difference between them. Considering the fact that they are opened and closed far more frequently, they are meant to take much more damage compared to residential. Many of them are connected to loading areas where heavy equipment is being relocated. Read more about it here: https://livinator.com/what-is-the-difference-between-residential-and-commercial-doors/ 

Companies that buy them are more focused on insulation and thickness instead of aesthetics. They are looking for energy efficiency and affordability but also durability at the same time. They are exceptions like you see at car dealerships where they have glass all over so people can see what is inside. Everyone can choose the design based on their needs but every model has its own pros and cons which determines the price. You probably won’t need most of the industrial types for your home.