The Sunday 7: Thanksgiving Prep

No. 1. A Trip to Minnesota
This week I made my way out to Minneapolis to visit Target headquarters! It’s been awhile since we’ve been able to be back in person and it was great to meet with the team and discuss the Studio McGee x Threshold collaboration and upcoming collections. My travel looks that got me from the airport to meetings and back again –

No. 2. McGee & Co. Black Friday Sale
The biggest sale of the year is happening over at McGee & Co.! Now is the time to snag those pieces you’ve had your eye on!

No. 3. An Upholstery Guide
I know making furniture fabric selections can be overwhelming but this guide to our upholstery should help answer any questions!
No. 4. Black Friday Shopping
These next couple of weeks are sheer chaos, but you know I’ll be keeping my eye out for a couple of things as Black Friday sales start rolling in…
No. 5. A Favorite Read
This parenting book resonated with me on so many levels, and I can’t recommend it enough!
No. 6. Thanksgiving Plans
I’ve got the linens selected, the dinnerware ready to go, and some new recipes on hand. Can’t wait to sit around the table and celebrate the holiday with my family. So much to be grateful for!
No. 7. …and Then Straight into Christmas!
I usually don’t decorate until after Thanksgiving but felt ready to welcome in the Christmas spirit a little early this year, so we’ve already got our tree started. Looking forward to incorporating a few more details and having the girls help get the home festive-ready.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
XO – Shea