plants safe for cats

Monika Kovacs / EyeEmGetty Images

Filling your house with live greenery and florals always seems like a good idea … until you remember that you have a very curious cat running amok. Your furry-faced family member has a way of sticking its head in everybody’s business, making it important to buy plants that are completely safe for cats to eat (although never recommended), especially if your feline has a track record of nibbling on, well, everything. Luckily, there are tons of cat-friendly, non-toxic houseplants out there, which means you won’t have to worry if they decide to make one of its leaves their mid-day snack.

Shop straight from this list to find no-fuss houseplants that are not considered to be safe for your cats by the ASPCA, but also beautiful, air-purifying accents to enliven your bathroom, office, living room, or any other space in your house. A bonus: Several of these indoor plants are also non-toxic for dogs, so you can rest knowing that you’re doing everything possible to keep your entire fur family happy and healthy.

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Peperomia Obtusifolia

The Sill


Also called a “baby rubber plant,” this office-friendly houseplant has thick green leaves, producing tiny white flowers with little TLC. In fact, you only have to water it weekly (or biweekly, if you must) and give it indirect sunlight.

RELATED: Aesthetic Plants to Add Personality to Your Home 

Birds Nest Fern

American Plant Exchange


Elegant Orchid



Orchids may be more high-maintenance than the other houseplants on this list, but at least you won’t have to worry about your cat’s health if they take a bite. It will arrive at your door with fresh flowers, but don’t be alarmed when they fall off about three months later; orchids need to harvest their energy until next year’s bloom.

Money Tree

Costa Farms


Set this mini tree in any room to give it a tropical feel, thanks to its braided stem and palm-like leaves. Along with being incredibly low-maintenance, it is said to bring positive energy and good luck to the owner, according to ancient Feng Shui philosophy. 

Cat Grass



This grassy green was literally made with cats in mind: Your feline can munch on this herb for a nutrient-packed treat. Make sure you keep it away from other houseplants, so it knows that this is the only one you actually want them to eat. 

Red Prayer Plant

Hirt’s Gardens


The striking stripes on its leaves make this plant a standout in any room, especially if it has a fairly neutral color palette. Just make sure it’s in a sunny spot, keep the soil damp, and mist its leaves once a week. 

Parlor Palm

The Sill


This palm may not grow coconut or dates like some of the other varieties, but it’s equally as eye-catching: Over time, it’ll grow to well over six feet tall. It’s fairly resilient, so just make sure that it gets plenty of direct sun and water once a week. 


Costa Farms


Just as the bright red center starts to wilt, you’ll see baby bromeliads (a.k.a. “pups”) start popping around the plant’s base. That means, you won’t have to go too long without a flower. For ideal growing conditions, stick it in an open room with indirect sunlight and water it when the soil is dry to the touch. 

Pilea Peperomioides

The Sill


Some see pancakes, others see UFOs, but we just see adorable coin-shaped leaves on this beauty. Water it weekly and place it on a windowsill, so that it can soak up plenty of direct sunlight.

Kimberly Queen Fern



Even if you stick this plant in a hanging basket to keep it out of reach, you know your cat will find a way to get a hold of its fronds. But if you want to limit the chances of hanging plant mishap, place it in a pot in a room with low to partial sunlight, and water it once you notice pale green leaves.

Calathea Freddie



The contrasting stripes really make an impact. Similar to the red-veined variety, the leaves will close up like hands in a prayer in the evening and reopen once daylight hits. This houseplant requires more consistency, so be sure to keep the soil damp and move it to a bright spot in your house.

Ionantha Guatemala Air Plants



If you’re short on space, let air plants hang in planters or put them on display in small terrariums. Be thorough with the watering process: Every two weeks, soak the air plants in room temperature water and then mist them periodically. 

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